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import numpy as np
import pytest
import pandas as pd
import pandas._testing as tm
pa = pytest.importorskip("pyarrow", minversion="1.0.1")
from pandas.core.arrays.arrow._arrow_utils import pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask
arrays = [pd.array([1, 2, 3, None], dtype=dtype) for dtype in tm.ALL_INT_EA_DTYPES]
arrays += [pd.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, None], dtype=dtype) for dtype in tm.FLOAT_EA_DTYPES]
arrays += [pd.array([True, False, True, None], dtype="boolean")]
@pytest.fixture(params=arrays, ids=[ for a in arrays])
def data(request):
Fixture returning parametrized array from given dtype, including integer,
float and boolean
return request.param
def test_arrow_array(data):
arr = pa.array(data)
expected = pa.array(
data.to_numpy(object, na_value=None),
assert arr.equals(expected)
def test_arrow_roundtrip(data):
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": data})
table = pa.table(df)
assert table.field("a").type == str(data.dtype.numpy_dtype)
result = table.to_pandas()
assert result["a"].dtype == data.dtype
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
def test_dataframe_from_arrow_types_mapper():
def types_mapper(arrow_type):
if pa.types.is_boolean(arrow_type):
return pd.BooleanDtype()
elif pa.types.is_integer(arrow_type):
return pd.Int64Dtype()
bools_array = pa.array([True, None, False], type=pa.bool_())
ints_array = pa.array([1, None, 2], type=pa.int64())
small_ints_array = pa.array([-1, 0, 7], type=pa.int8())
record_batch = pa.RecordBatch.from_arrays(
[bools_array, ints_array, small_ints_array], ["bools", "ints", "small_ints"]
result = record_batch.to_pandas(types_mapper=types_mapper)
bools = pd.Series([True, None, False], dtype="boolean")
ints = pd.Series([1, None, 2], dtype="Int64")
small_ints = pd.Series([-1, 0, 7], dtype="Int64")
expected = pd.DataFrame({"bools": bools, "ints": ints, "small_ints": small_ints})
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def test_arrow_load_from_zero_chunks(data):
# GH-41040
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": data[0:0]})
table = pa.table(df)
assert table.field("a").type == str(data.dtype.numpy_dtype)
table = pa.table(
[pa.chunked_array([], type=table.field("a").type)], schema=table.schema
result = table.to_pandas()
assert result["a"].dtype == data.dtype
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
def test_arrow_from_arrow_uint():
# possible mismatch in types
dtype = pd.UInt32Dtype()
result = dtype.__from_arrow__(pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, None], type="int64"))
expected = pd.array([1, 2, 3, 4, None], dtype="UInt32")
tm.assert_extension_array_equal(result, expected)
def test_arrow_sliced(data):
df = pd.DataFrame({"a": data})
table = pa.table(df)
result = table.slice(2, None).to_pandas()
expected = df.iloc[2:].reset_index(drop=True)
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
# no missing values
df2 = df.fillna(data[0])
table = pa.table(df2)
result = table.slice(2, None).to_pandas()
expected = df2.iloc[2:].reset_index(drop=True)
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
def np_dtype_to_arrays(any_real_numpy_dtype):
Fixture returning actual and expected dtype, pandas and numpy arrays and
mask from a given numpy dtype
np_dtype = np.dtype(any_real_numpy_dtype)
pa_type = pa.from_numpy_dtype(np_dtype)
# None ensures the creation of a bitmask buffer.
pa_array = pa.array([0, 1, 2, None], type=pa_type)
# Since masked Arrow buffer slots are not required to contain a specific
# value, assert only the first three values of the created np.array
np_expected = np.array([0, 1, 2], dtype=np_dtype)
mask_expected = np.array([True, True, True, False])
return np_dtype, pa_array, np_expected, mask_expected
def test_pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(np_dtype_to_arrays):
Test conversion from pyarrow array to numpy array.
Modifies the pyarrow buffer to contain padding and offset, which are
considered valid buffers by pyarrow.
Also tests empty pyarrow arrays with non empty buffers.
np_dtype, pa_array, np_expected, mask_expected = np_dtype_to_arrays
data, mask = pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(pa_array, np_dtype)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(data[:3], np_expected)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mask, mask_expected)
mask_buffer = pa_array.buffers()[0]
data_buffer = pa_array.buffers()[1]
data_buffer_bytes = pa_array.buffers()[1].to_pybytes()
# Add trailing padding to the buffer.
data_buffer_trail = pa.py_buffer(data_buffer_bytes + b"\x00")
pa_array_trail = pa.Array.from_buffers(
buffers=[mask_buffer, data_buffer_trail],
data, mask = pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(pa_array_trail, np_dtype)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(data[:3], np_expected)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mask, mask_expected)
# Add offset to the buffer.
offset = b"\x00" * (pa_array.type.bit_width // 8)
data_buffer_offset = pa.py_buffer(offset + data_buffer_bytes)
mask_buffer_offset = pa.py_buffer(b"\x0E")
pa_array_offset = pa.Array.from_buffers(
buffers=[mask_buffer_offset, data_buffer_offset],
offset=pa_array.offset + 1,
data, mask = pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(pa_array_offset, np_dtype)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(data[:3], np_expected)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mask, mask_expected)
# Empty array
np_expected_empty = np.array([], dtype=np_dtype)
mask_expected_empty = np.array([], dtype=np.bool_)
pa_array_offset = pa.Array.from_buffers(
buffers=[mask_buffer, data_buffer],
data, mask = pyarrow_array_to_numpy_and_mask(pa_array_offset, np_dtype)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(data[:3], np_expected_empty)
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(mask, mask_expected_empty)
"arr", [pa.nulls(10), pa.chunked_array([pa.nulls(4), pa.nulls(6)])]
def test_from_arrow_null(data, arr):
res = data.dtype.__from_arrow__(arr)
assert res.isna().all()
assert len(res) == 10
def test_from_arrow_type_error(data):
# ensure that __from_arrow__ returns a TypeError when getting a wrong
# array type
arr = pa.array(data).cast("string")
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=None):
# we don't test the exact error message, only the fact that it raises
# a TypeError is relevant