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from __future__ import annotations
import os
import pytest
from pandas.compat._optional import VERSIONS
from pandas import (
import pandas._testing as tm
class BaseParser:
engine: str | None = None
low_memory = True
float_precision_choices: list[str | None] = []
def update_kwargs(self, kwargs):
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
kwargs.update({"engine": self.engine, "low_memory": self.low_memory})
return kwargs
def read_csv(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = self.update_kwargs(kwargs)
return read_csv(*args, **kwargs)
def read_csv_check_warnings(
self, warn_type: type[Warning], warn_msg: str, *args, **kwargs
# We need to check the stacklevel here instead of in the tests
# since this is where read_csv is called and where the warning
# should point to.
kwargs = self.update_kwargs(kwargs)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn_type, match=warn_msg):
return read_csv(*args, **kwargs)
def read_table(self, *args, **kwargs):
kwargs = self.update_kwargs(kwargs)
return read_table(*args, **kwargs)
def read_table_check_warnings(
self, warn_type: type[Warning], warn_msg: str, *args, **kwargs
# We need to check the stacklevel here instead of in the tests
# since this is where read_table is called and where the warning
# should point to.
kwargs = self.update_kwargs(kwargs)
with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn_type, match=warn_msg):
return read_table(*args, **kwargs)
class CParser(BaseParser):
engine = "c"
float_precision_choices = [None, "high", "round_trip"]
class CParserHighMemory(CParser):
low_memory = False
class CParserLowMemory(CParser):
low_memory = True
class PythonParser(BaseParser):
engine = "python"
float_precision_choices = [None]
class PyArrowParser(BaseParser):
engine = "pyarrow"
float_precision_choices = [None]
def csv_dir_path(datapath):
The directory path to the data files needed for parser tests.
return datapath("io", "parser", "data")
def csv1(datapath):
The path to the data file "test1.csv" needed for parser tests.
return os.path.join(datapath("io", "data", "csv"), "test1.csv")
_cParserHighMemory = CParserHighMemory
_cParserLowMemory = CParserLowMemory
_pythonParser = PythonParser
_pyarrowParser = PyArrowParser
_py_parsers_only = [_pythonParser]
_c_parsers_only = [_cParserHighMemory, _cParserLowMemory]
_pyarrow_parsers_only = [pytest.param(_pyarrowParser, marks=pytest.mark.single_cpu)]
_all_parsers = [*_c_parsers_only, *_py_parsers_only, *_pyarrow_parsers_only]
_py_parser_ids = ["python"]
_c_parser_ids = ["c_high", "c_low"]
_pyarrow_parsers_ids = ["pyarrow"]
_all_parser_ids = [*_c_parser_ids, *_py_parser_ids, *_pyarrow_parsers_ids]
@pytest.fixture(params=_all_parsers, ids=_all_parser_ids)
def all_parsers(request):
Fixture all of the CSV parsers.
parser = request.param()
if parser.engine == "pyarrow":
pytest.importorskip("pyarrow", VERSIONS["pyarrow"])
# Try finding a way to disable threads all together
# for more stable CI runs
import pyarrow
return parser
@pytest.fixture(params=_c_parsers_only, ids=_c_parser_ids)
def c_parser_only(request):
Fixture all of the CSV parsers using the C engine.
return request.param()
@pytest.fixture(params=_py_parsers_only, ids=_py_parser_ids)
def python_parser_only(request):
Fixture all of the CSV parsers using the Python engine.
return request.param()
@pytest.fixture(params=_pyarrow_parsers_only, ids=_pyarrow_parsers_ids)
def pyarrow_parser_only(request):
Fixture all of the CSV parsers using the Pyarrow engine.
return request.param()
def _get_all_parser_float_precision_combinations():
Return all allowable parser and float precision
combinations and corresponding ids.
params = []
ids = []
for parser, parser_id in zip(_all_parsers, _all_parser_ids):
if hasattr(parser, "values"):
# Wrapped in pytest.param, get the actual parser back
parser = parser.values[0]
for precision in parser.float_precision_choices:
# Re-wrap in pytest.param for pyarrow
mark = pytest.mark.single_cpu if parser.engine == "pyarrow" else ()
param = pytest.param((parser(), precision), marks=mark)
return {"params": params, "ids": ids}
def all_parsers_all_precisions(request):
Fixture for all allowable combinations of parser
and float precision
return request.param
_utf_values = [8, 16, 32]
_encoding_seps = ["", "-", "_"]
_encoding_prefixes = ["utf", "UTF"]
_encoding_fmts = [
f"{prefix}{sep}{{0}}" for sep in _encoding_seps for prefix in _encoding_prefixes
def utf_value(request):
Fixture for all possible integer values for a UTF encoding.
return request.param
def encoding_fmt(request):
Fixture for all possible string formats of a UTF encoding.
return request.param
("-1,0", -1.0),
("-1,2e0", -1.2),
("-1e0", -1.0),
("+1e0", 1.0),
("+1e+0", 1.0),
("+1e-1", 0.1),
("+,1e1", 1.0),
("+1,e0", 1.0),
("-,1e1", -1.0),
("-1,e0", -1.0),
("0,1", 0.1),
("1,", 1.0),
(",1", 0.1),
("-,1", -0.1),
("1_,", 1.0),
("1_234,56", 1234.56),
("1_234,56e0", 1234.56),
# negative cases; must not parse as float
("_", "_"),
("-_", "-_"),
("-_1", "-_1"),
("-_1e0", "-_1e0"),
("_1", "_1"),
("_1,", "_1,"),
("_1,_", "_1,_"),
("_1e0", "_1e0"),
("1,2e_1", "1,2e_1"),
("1,2e1_0", "1,2e1_0"),
("1,_2", "1,_2"),
(",1__2", ",1__2"),
(",1e", ",1e"),
("-,1e", "-,1e"),
("1_000,000_000", "1_000,000_000"),
("1,e1_2", "1,e1_2"),
("e11,2", "e11,2"),
("1e11,2", "1e11,2"),
("1,2,2", "1,2,2"),
("1,2_1", "1,2_1"),
("1,2e-10e1", "1,2e-10e1"),
("--1,2", "--1,2"),
("1a_2,1", "1a_2,1"),
("1,2E-1", 0.12),
("1,2E1", 12.0),
def numeric_decimal(request):
Fixture for all numeric formats which should get recognized. The first entry
represents the value to read while the second represents the expected result.
return request.param
def pyarrow_xfail(request):
Fixture that xfails a test if the engine is pyarrow.
if "all_parsers" in request.fixturenames:
parser = request.getfixturevalue("all_parsers")
elif "all_parsers_all_precisions" in request.fixturenames:
# Return value is tuple of (engine, precision)
parser = request.getfixturevalue("all_parsers_all_precisions")[0]
if parser.engine == "pyarrow":
mark = pytest.mark.xfail(reason="pyarrow doesn't support this.")
def pyarrow_skip(request):
Fixture that skips a test if the engine is pyarrow.
if "all_parsers" in request.fixturenames:
parser = request.getfixturevalue("all_parsers")
elif "all_parsers_all_precisions" in request.fixturenames:
# Return value is tuple of (engine, precision)
parser = request.getfixturevalue("all_parsers_all_precisions")[0]
if parser.engine == "pyarrow":
pytest.skip("pyarrow doesn't support this.")