Alle Dateien aus dem Pythonkurs
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from datetime import datetime
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pytest
from pandas import (
from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import date_range
from pandas.core.indexes.period import period_range
# The various methods we support
downsample_methods = [
upsample_methods = ["count", "size"]
series_methods = ["nunique"]
resample_methods = downsample_methods + upsample_methods + series_methods
def downsample_method(request):
"""Fixture for parametrization of Grouper downsample methods."""
return request.param
def resample_method(request):
"""Fixture for parametrization of Grouper resample methods."""
return request.param
def simple_date_range_series():
Series with date range index and random data for test purposes.
def _simple_date_range_series(start, end, freq="D"):
rng = date_range(start, end, freq=freq)
return Series(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal(len(rng)), index=rng)
return _simple_date_range_series
def simple_period_range_series():
Series with period range index and random data for test purposes.
def _simple_period_range_series(start, end, freq="D"):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
# suppress Period[B] deprecation warning
msg = "|".join(["Period with BDay freq", r"PeriodDtype\[B\] is deprecated"])
rng = period_range(start, end, freq=freq)
return Series(np.random.default_rng(2).standard_normal(len(rng)), index=rng)
return _simple_period_range_series
def _index_start():
"""Fixture for parametrization of index, series and frame."""
return datetime(2005, 1, 1)
def _index_end():
"""Fixture for parametrization of index, series and frame."""
return datetime(2005, 1, 10)
def _index_freq():
"""Fixture for parametrization of index, series and frame."""
return "D"
def _index_name():
"""Fixture for parametrization of index, series and frame."""
return None
def index(_index_factory, _index_start, _index_end, _index_freq, _index_name):
Fixture for parametrization of date_range, period_range and
timedelta_range indexes
return _index_factory(_index_start, _index_end, freq=_index_freq, name=_index_name)
def _static_values(index):
Fixture for parametrization of values used in parametrization of
Series and DataFrames with date_range, period_range and
timedelta_range indexes
return np.arange(len(index))
def _series_name():
Fixture for parametrization of Series name for Series used with
date_range, period_range and timedelta_range indexes
return None
def series(index, _series_name, _static_values):
Fixture for parametrization of Series with date_range, period_range and
timedelta_range indexes
return Series(_static_values, index=index, name=_series_name)
def empty_series_dti(series):
Fixture for parametrization of empty Series with date_range,
period_range and timedelta_range indexes
return series[:0]
def frame(index, _series_name, _static_values):
Fixture for parametrization of DataFrame with date_range, period_range
and timedelta_range indexes
# _series_name is intentionally unused
return DataFrame({"value": _static_values}, index=index)
def empty_frame_dti(series):
Fixture for parametrization of empty DataFrame with date_range,
period_range and timedelta_range indexes
index = series.index[:0]
return DataFrame(index=index)
def series_and_frame(frame_or_series, series, frame):
Fixture for parametrization of Series and DataFrame with date_range,
period_range and timedelta_range indexes
if frame_or_series == Series:
return series
if frame_or_series == DataFrame:
return frame