import pytest from pandas import ( DataFrame, HDFStore, _testing as tm, ) from import ( ensure_clean_store, tables, ) pytestmark = pytest.mark.single_cpu def test_keys(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: store["a"] = tm.makeTimeSeries() store["b"] = tm.makeStringSeries() store["c"] = tm.makeDataFrame() assert len(store) == 3 expected = {"/a", "/b", "/c"} assert set(store.keys()) == expected assert set(store) == expected def test_non_pandas_keys(tmp_path, setup_path): class Table1(tables.IsDescription): value1 = tables.Float32Col() class Table2(tables.IsDescription): value2 = tables.Float32Col() class Table3(tables.IsDescription): value3 = tables.Float32Col() path = tmp_path / setup_path with tables.open_file(path, mode="w") as h5file: group = h5file.create_group("/", "group") h5file.create_table(group, "table1", Table1, "Table 1") h5file.create_table(group, "table2", Table2, "Table 2") h5file.create_table(group, "table3", Table3, "Table 3") with HDFStore(path) as store: assert len(store.keys(include="native")) == 3 expected = {"/group/table1", "/group/table2", "/group/table3"} assert set(store.keys(include="native")) == expected assert set(store.keys(include="pandas")) == set() for name in expected: df = store.get(name) assert len(df.columns) == 1 def test_keys_illegal_include_keyword_value(setup_path): with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: with pytest.raises( ValueError, match="`include` should be either 'pandas' or 'native' but is 'illegal'", ): store.keys(include="illegal") def test_keys_ignore_hdf_softlink(setup_path): # GH 20523 # Puts a softlink into HDF file and rereads with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store: df = DataFrame({"A": range(5), "B": range(5)}) store.put("df", df) assert store.keys() == ["/df"] store._handle.create_soft_link(store._handle.root, "symlink", "df") # Should ignore the softlink assert store.keys() == ["/df"]