# cython: boundscheck=False, wraparound=False, cdivision=True

import numpy as np

from numpy cimport (

# Cython routines for window indexers

def calculate_variable_window_bounds(
    int64_t num_values,
    int64_t window_size,
    object min_periods,  # unused but here to match get_window_bounds signature
    bint center,
    str closed,
    const int64_t[:] index
    Calculate window boundaries for rolling windows from a time offset.

    num_values : int64
        total number of values

    window_size : int64
        window size calculated from the offset

    min_periods : object
        ignored, exists for compatibility

    center : bint
        center the rolling window on the current observation

    closed : str
        string of side of the window that should be closed

    index : ndarray[int64]
        time series index to roll over

    (ndarray[int64], ndarray[int64])
        bint left_closed = False
        bint right_closed = False
        ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] start, end
        int64_t start_bound, end_bound, index_growth_sign = 1
        Py_ssize_t i, j

    if num_values <= 0:
        return np.empty(0, dtype="int64"), np.empty(0, dtype="int64")

    # default is 'right'
    if closed is None:
        closed = "right"

    if closed in ["right", "both"]:
        right_closed = True

    if closed in ["left", "both"]:
        left_closed = True

    # GH 43997:
    # If the forward and the backward facing windows
    # would result in a fraction of 1/2 a nanosecond
    # we need to make both interval ends inclusive.
    if center and window_size % 2 == 1:
        right_closed = True
        left_closed = True

    if index[num_values - 1] < index[0]:
        index_growth_sign = -1

    start = np.empty(num_values, dtype="int64")
    end = np.empty(num_values, dtype="int64")

    start[0] = 0

    # right endpoint is closed
    if right_closed:
        end[0] = 1
    # right endpoint is open
        end[0] = 0
    if center:
        end_bound = index[0] + index_growth_sign * window_size / 2
        for j in range(0, num_values):
            if (index[j] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign < 0:
                end[0] = j + 1
            elif (index[j] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign == 0 and right_closed:
                end[0] = j + 1
            elif (index[j] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign >= 0:
                end[0] = j

    with nogil:

        # start is start of slice interval (including)
        # end is end of slice interval (not including)
        for i in range(1, num_values):
            if center:
                end_bound = index[i] + index_growth_sign * window_size / 2
                start_bound = index[i] - index_growth_sign * window_size / 2
                end_bound = index[i]
                start_bound = index[i] - index_growth_sign * window_size

            # left endpoint is closed
            if left_closed:
                start_bound -= 1 * index_growth_sign

            # advance the start bound until we are
            # within the constraint
            start[i] = i
            for j in range(start[i - 1], i):
                if (index[j] - start_bound) * index_growth_sign > 0:
                    start[i] = j

            # for centered window advance the end bound until we are
            # outside the constraint
            if center:
                for j in range(end[i - 1], num_values + 1):
                    if j == num_values:
                        end[i] = j
                    elif ((index[j] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign == 0 and
                        end[i] = j + 1
                    elif (index[j] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign >= 0:
                        end[i] = j
            # end bound is previous end
            # or current index
            elif (index[end[i - 1]] - end_bound) * index_growth_sign <= 0:
                end[i] = i + 1
                end[i] = end[i - 1]

            # right endpoint is open
            if not right_closed and not center:
                end[i] -= 1
    return start, end