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"""Miscellaneous functions for testing masked arrays and subclasses
:author: Pierre Gerard-Marchant
:contact: pierregm_at_uga_dot_edu
:version: $Id: 3529 2007-11-13 08:01:14Z jarrod.millman $
import operator
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray, float_
import numpy.core.umath as umath
import numpy.testing
from numpy.testing import (
assert_, assert_allclose, assert_array_almost_equal_nulp,
assert_raises, build_err_msg
from .core import mask_or, getmask, masked_array, nomask, masked, filled
__all__masked = [
'almost', 'approx', 'assert_almost_equal', 'assert_array_almost_equal',
'assert_array_approx_equal', 'assert_array_compare',
'assert_array_equal', 'assert_array_less', 'assert_close',
'assert_equal', 'assert_equal_records', 'assert_mask_equal',
'assert_not_equal', 'fail_if_array_equal',
# Include some normal test functions to avoid breaking other projects who
# have mistakenly included them from this file. SciPy is one. That is
# unfortunate, as some of these functions are not intended to work with
# masked arrays. But there was no way to tell before.
from unittest import TestCase
__some__from_testing = [
'TestCase', 'assert_', 'assert_allclose', 'assert_array_almost_equal_nulp',
__all__ = __all__masked + __some__from_testing
def approx(a, b, fill_value=True, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):
Returns true if all components of a and b are equal to given tolerances.
If fill_value is True, masked values considered equal. Otherwise,
masked values are considered unequal. The relative error rtol should
be positive and << 1.0 The absolute error atol comes into play for
those elements of b that are very small or zero; it says how small a
must be also.
m = mask_or(getmask(a), getmask(b))
d1 = filled(a)
d2 = filled(b)
if d1.dtype.char == "O" or d2.dtype.char == "O":
return np.equal(d1, d2).ravel()
x = filled(masked_array(d1, copy=False, mask=m), fill_value).astype(float_)
y = filled(masked_array(d2, copy=False, mask=m), 1).astype(float_)
d = np.less_equal(umath.absolute(x - y), atol + rtol * umath.absolute(y))
return d.ravel()
def almost(a, b, decimal=6, fill_value=True):
Returns True if a and b are equal up to decimal places.
If fill_value is True, masked values considered equal. Otherwise,
masked values are considered unequal.
m = mask_or(getmask(a), getmask(b))
d1 = filled(a)
d2 = filled(b)
if d1.dtype.char == "O" or d2.dtype.char == "O":
return np.equal(d1, d2).ravel()
x = filled(masked_array(d1, copy=False, mask=m), fill_value).astype(float_)
y = filled(masked_array(d2, copy=False, mask=m), 1).astype(float_)
d = np.around(np.abs(x - y), decimal) <= 10.0 ** (-decimal)
return d.ravel()
def _assert_equal_on_sequences(actual, desired, err_msg=''):
Asserts the equality of two non-array sequences.
assert_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg)
for k in range(len(desired)):
assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], f'item={k!r}\n{err_msg}')
def assert_equal_records(a, b):
Asserts that two records are equal.
Pretty crude for now.
assert_equal(a.dtype, b.dtype)
for f in a.dtype.names:
(af, bf) = (operator.getitem(a, f), operator.getitem(b, f))
if not (af is masked) and not (bf is masked):
assert_equal(operator.getitem(a, f), operator.getitem(b, f))
def assert_equal(actual, desired, err_msg=''):
Asserts that two items are equal.
# Case #1: dictionary .....
if isinstance(desired, dict):
if not isinstance(actual, dict):
raise AssertionError(repr(type(actual)))
assert_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg)
for k, i in desired.items():
if k not in actual:
raise AssertionError(f"{k} not in {actual}")
assert_equal(actual[k], desired[k], f'key={k!r}\n{err_msg}')
# Case #2: lists .....
if isinstance(desired, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(actual, (list, tuple)):
return _assert_equal_on_sequences(actual, desired, err_msg='')
if not (isinstance(actual, ndarray) or isinstance(desired, ndarray)):
msg = build_err_msg([actual, desired], err_msg,)
if not desired == actual:
raise AssertionError(msg)
# Case #4. arrays or equivalent
if ((actual is masked) and not (desired is masked)) or \
((desired is masked) and not (actual is masked)):
msg = build_err_msg([actual, desired],
err_msg, header='', names=('x', 'y'))
raise ValueError(msg)
actual = np.asanyarray(actual)
desired = np.asanyarray(desired)
(actual_dtype, desired_dtype) = (actual.dtype, desired.dtype)
if actual_dtype.char == "S" and desired_dtype.char == "S":
return _assert_equal_on_sequences(actual.tolist(),
return assert_array_equal(actual, desired, err_msg)
def fail_if_equal(actual, desired, err_msg='',):
Raises an assertion error if two items are equal.
if isinstance(desired, dict):
if not isinstance(actual, dict):
raise AssertionError(repr(type(actual)))
fail_if_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg)
for k, i in desired.items():
if k not in actual:
raise AssertionError(repr(k))
fail_if_equal(actual[k], desired[k], f'key={k!r}\n{err_msg}')
if isinstance(desired, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(actual, (list, tuple)):
fail_if_equal(len(actual), len(desired), err_msg)
for k in range(len(desired)):
fail_if_equal(actual[k], desired[k], f'item={k!r}\n{err_msg}')
if isinstance(actual, np.ndarray) or isinstance(desired, np.ndarray):
return fail_if_array_equal(actual, desired, err_msg)
msg = build_err_msg([actual, desired], err_msg)
if not desired != actual:
raise AssertionError(msg)
assert_not_equal = fail_if_equal
def assert_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=7, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Asserts that two items are almost equal.
The test is equivalent to abs(desired-actual) < 0.5 * 10**(-decimal).
if isinstance(actual, np.ndarray) or isinstance(desired, np.ndarray):
return assert_array_almost_equal(actual, desired, decimal=decimal,
err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose)
msg = build_err_msg([actual, desired],
err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose)
if not round(abs(desired - actual), decimal) == 0:
raise AssertionError(msg)
assert_close = assert_almost_equal
def assert_array_compare(comparison, x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True, header='',
Asserts that comparison between two masked arrays is satisfied.
The comparison is elementwise.
# Allocate a common mask and refill
m = mask_or(getmask(x), getmask(y))
x = masked_array(x, copy=False, mask=m, keep_mask=False, subok=False)
y = masked_array(y, copy=False, mask=m, keep_mask=False, subok=False)
if ((x is masked) and not (y is masked)) or \
((y is masked) and not (x is masked)):
msg = build_err_msg([x, y], err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header=header, names=('x', 'y'))
raise ValueError(msg)
# OK, now run the basic tests on filled versions
return np.testing.assert_array_compare(comparison,
verbose=verbose, header=header)
def assert_array_equal(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Checks the elementwise equality of two masked arrays.
assert_array_compare(operator.__eq__, x, y,
err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header='Arrays are not equal')
def fail_if_array_equal(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Raises an assertion error if two masked arrays are not equal elementwise.
def compare(x, y):
return (not np.all(approx(x, y)))
assert_array_compare(compare, x, y, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header='Arrays are not equal')
def assert_array_approx_equal(x, y, decimal=6, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Checks the equality of two masked arrays, up to given number odecimals.
The equality is checked elementwise.
def compare(x, y):
"Returns the result of the loose comparison between x and y)."
return approx(x, y, rtol=10. ** -decimal)
assert_array_compare(compare, x, y, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header='Arrays are not almost equal')
def assert_array_almost_equal(x, y, decimal=6, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Checks the equality of two masked arrays, up to given number odecimals.
The equality is checked elementwise.
def compare(x, y):
"Returns the result of the loose comparison between x and y)."
return almost(x, y, decimal)
assert_array_compare(compare, x, y, err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header='Arrays are not almost equal')
def assert_array_less(x, y, err_msg='', verbose=True):
Checks that x is smaller than y elementwise.
assert_array_compare(operator.__lt__, x, y,
err_msg=err_msg, verbose=verbose,
header='Arrays are not less-ordered')
def assert_mask_equal(m1, m2, err_msg=''):
Asserts the equality of two masks.
if m1 is nomask:
assert_(m2 is nomask)
if m2 is nomask:
assert_(m1 is nomask)
assert_array_equal(m1, m2, err_msg=err_msg)