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"""Rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal."""
import os
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, Union
from ._extension import load_ipython_extension # noqa: F401
__all__ = ["get_console", "reconfigure", "print", "inspect", "print_json"]
from .console import Console
# Global console used by alternative print
_console: Optional["Console"] = None
_IMPORT_CWD = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())
except FileNotFoundError:
# Can happen if the cwd has been deleted
def get_console() -> "Console":
"""Get a global :class:`~rich.console.Console` instance. This function is used when Rich requires a Console,
and hasn't been explicitly given one.
Console: A console instance.
global _console
if _console is None:
from .console import Console
_console = Console()
return _console
def reconfigure(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Reconfigures the global console by replacing it with another.
*args (Any): Positional arguments for the replacement :class:`~rich.console.Console`.
**kwargs (Any): Keyword arguments for the replacement :class:`~rich.console.Console`.
from import Console
new_console = Console(*args, **kwargs)
_console = get_console()
_console.__dict__ = new_console.__dict__
def print(
*objects: Any,
sep: str = " ",
end: str = "\n",
file: Optional[IO[str]] = None,
flush: bool = False,
) -> None:
r"""Print object(s) supplied via positional arguments.
This function has an identical signature to the built-in print.
For more advanced features, see the :class:`~rich.console.Console` class.
sep (str, optional): Separator between printed objects. Defaults to " ".
end (str, optional): Character to write at end of output. Defaults to "\\n".
file (IO[str], optional): File to write to, or None for stdout. Defaults to None.
flush (bool, optional): Has no effect as Rich always flushes output. Defaults to False.
from .console import Console
write_console = get_console() if file is None else Console(file=file)
return write_console.print(*objects, sep=sep, end=end)
def print_json(
json: Optional[str] = None,
data: Any = None,
indent: Union[None, int, str] = 2,
highlight: bool = True,
skip_keys: bool = False,
ensure_ascii: bool = False,
check_circular: bool = True,
allow_nan: bool = True,
default: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None,
sort_keys: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Pretty prints JSON. Output will be valid JSON.
json (str): A string containing JSON.
data (Any): If json is not supplied, then encode this data.
indent (int, optional): Number of spaces to indent. Defaults to 2.
highlight (bool, optional): Enable highlighting of output: Defaults to True.
skip_keys (bool, optional): Skip keys not of a basic type. Defaults to False.
ensure_ascii (bool, optional): Escape all non-ascii characters. Defaults to False.
check_circular (bool, optional): Check for circular references. Defaults to True.
allow_nan (bool, optional): Allow NaN and Infinity values. Defaults to True.
default (Callable, optional): A callable that converts values that can not be encoded
in to something that can be JSON encoded. Defaults to None.
sort_keys (bool, optional): Sort dictionary keys. Defaults to False.
def inspect(
obj: Any,
console: Optional["Console"] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None,
help: bool = False,
methods: bool = False,
docs: bool = True,
private: bool = False,
dunder: bool = False,
sort: bool = True,
all: bool = False,
value: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Inspect any Python object.
* inspect(<OBJECT>) to see summarized info.
* inspect(<OBJECT>, methods=True) to see methods.
* inspect(<OBJECT>, help=True) to see full (non-abbreviated) help.
* inspect(<OBJECT>, private=True) to see private attributes (single underscore).
* inspect(<OBJECT>, dunder=True) to see attributes beginning with double underscore.
* inspect(<OBJECT>, all=True) to see all attributes.
obj (Any): An object to inspect.
title (str, optional): Title to display over inspect result, or None use type. Defaults to None.
help (bool, optional): Show full help text rather than just first paragraph. Defaults to False.
methods (bool, optional): Enable inspection of callables. Defaults to False.
docs (bool, optional): Also render doc strings. Defaults to True.
private (bool, optional): Show private attributes (beginning with underscore). Defaults to False.
dunder (bool, optional): Show attributes starting with double underscore. Defaults to False.
sort (bool, optional): Sort attributes alphabetically. Defaults to True.
all (bool, optional): Show all attributes. Defaults to False.
value (bool, optional): Pretty print value. Defaults to True.
_console = console or get_console()
from import Inspect
# Special case for inspect(inspect)
is_inspect = obj is inspect
_inspect = Inspect(
help=is_inspect or help,
methods=is_inspect or methods,
docs=is_inspect or docs,
if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
print("Hello, **World**")