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import importlib
import codecs
import time
import unicodedata
import pytest
import numpy as np
from numpy.f2py.crackfortran import markinnerspaces, nameargspattern
from . import util
from numpy.f2py import crackfortran
import textwrap
class TestNoSpace(util.F2PyTest):
# issue gh-15035: add handling for endsubroutine, endfunction with no space
# between "end" and the block name
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh15035.f")]
def test_module(self):
k = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
w = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float64)
assert np.allclose(k, w + 1)
self.module.subc([w, k])
assert np.allclose(k, w + 1)
assert self.module.t0("23") == b"2"
class TestPublicPrivate:
def test_defaultPrivate(self):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "privatemod.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
mod = mod[0]
assert "private" in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
assert "private" in mod["vars"]["b"]["attrspec"]
assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["b"]["attrspec"]
assert "private" not in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
assert "public" in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
def test_defaultPublic(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "publicmod.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
mod = mod[0]
assert "private" in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
assert "public" not in mod["vars"]["a"]["attrspec"]
assert "private" not in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
assert "public" in mod["vars"]["seta"]["attrspec"]
def test_access_type(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "accesstype.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
tt = mod[0]['vars']
assert set(tt['a']['attrspec']) == {'private', 'bind(c)'}
assert set(tt['b_']['attrspec']) == {'public', 'bind(c)'}
assert set(tt['c']['attrspec']) == {'public'}
def test_nowrap_private_proceedures(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh23879.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
pyf = crackfortran.crack2fortran(mod)
assert 'bar' not in pyf
class TestModuleProcedure():
def test_moduleOperators(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "operators.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
mod = mod[0]
assert "body" in mod and len(mod["body"]) == 9
assert mod["body"][1]["name"] == "operator(.item.)"
assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][1]
assert mod["body"][1]["implementedby"] == \
["item_int", "item_real"]
assert mod["body"][2]["name"] == "operator(==)"
assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][2]
assert mod["body"][2]["implementedby"] == ["items_are_equal"]
assert mod["body"][3]["name"] == "assignment(=)"
assert "implementedby" in mod["body"][3]
assert mod["body"][3]["implementedby"] == \
["get_int", "get_real"]
def test_notPublicPrivate(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "pubprivmod.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
mod = mod[0]
assert mod['vars']['a']['attrspec'] == ['private', ]
assert mod['vars']['b']['attrspec'] == ['public', ]
assert mod['vars']['seta']['attrspec'] == ['public', ]
class TestExternal(util.F2PyTest):
# issue gh-17859: add external attribute support
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh17859.f")]
def test_external_as_statement(self):
def incr(x):
return x + 123
r = self.module.external_as_statement(incr)
assert r == 123
def test_external_as_attribute(self):
def incr(x):
return x + 123
r = self.module.external_as_attribute(incr)
assert r == 123
class TestCrackFortran(util.F2PyTest):
# gh-2848: commented lines between parameters in subroutine parameter lists
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh2848.f90")]
def test_gh2848(self):
r = self.module.gh2848(1, 2)
assert r == (1, 2)
class TestMarkinnerspaces:
# gh-14118: markinnerspaces does not handle multiple quotations
def test_do_not_touch_normal_spaces(self):
test_list = ["a ", " a", "a b c", "'abcdefghij'"]
for i in test_list:
assert markinnerspaces(i) == i
def test_one_relevant_space(self):
assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c' \\' \\'") == "a 'b@_@c' \\' \\'"
assert markinnerspaces(r'a "b c" \" \"') == r'a "b@_@c" \" \"'
def test_ignore_inner_quotes(self):
assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c\" \" d' e") == "a 'b@_@c\"@_@\"@_@d' e"
assert markinnerspaces("a \"b c' ' d\" e") == "a \"b@_@c'@_@'@_@d\" e"
def test_multiple_relevant_spaces(self):
assert markinnerspaces("a 'b c' 'd e'") == "a 'b@_@c' 'd@_@e'"
assert markinnerspaces(r'a "b c" "d e"') == r'a "b@_@c" "d@_@e"'
class TestDimSpec(util.F2PyTest):
"""This test suite tests various expressions that are used as dimension
There exists two usage cases where analyzing dimensions
specifications are important.
In the first case, the size of output arrays must be defined based
on the inputs to a Fortran function. Because Fortran supports
arbitrary bases for indexing, for instance, `arr(lower:upper)`,
f2py has to evaluate an expression `upper - lower + 1` where
`lower` and `upper` are arbitrary expressions of input parameters.
The evaluation is performed in C, so f2py has to translate Fortran
expressions to valid C expressions (an alternative approach is
that a developer specifies the corresponding C expressions in a
.pyf file).
In the second case, when user provides an input array with a given
size but some hidden parameters used in dimensions specifications
need to be determined based on the input array size. This is a
harder problem because f2py has to solve the inverse problem: find
a parameter `p` such that `upper(p) - lower(p) + 1` equals to the
size of input array. In the case when this equation cannot be
solved (e.g. because the input array size is wrong), raise an
error before calling the Fortran function (that otherwise would
likely crash Python process when the size of input arrays is
wrong). f2py currently supports this case only when the equation
is linear with respect to unknown parameter.
suffix = ".f90"
code_template = textwrap.dedent("""
function get_arr_size_{count}(a, n) result (length)
integer, intent(in) :: n
integer, dimension({dimspec}), intent(out) :: a
integer length
length = size(a)
end function
subroutine get_inv_arr_size_{count}(a, n)
integer :: n
! the value of n is computed in f2py wrapper
!f2py intent(out) n
integer, dimension({dimspec}), intent(in) :: a
end subroutine
linear_dimspecs = [
"n", "2*n", "2:n", "n/2", "5 - n/2", "3*n:20", "n*(n+1):n*(n+5)",
"2*n, n"
nonlinear_dimspecs = ["2*n:3*n*n+2*n"]
all_dimspecs = linear_dimspecs + nonlinear_dimspecs
code = ""
for count, dimspec in enumerate(all_dimspecs):
lst = [(d.split(":")[0] if ":" in d else "1") for d in dimspec.split(',')]
code += code_template.format(
first=", ".join(lst),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dimspec", all_dimspecs)
def test_array_size(self, dimspec):
count = self.all_dimspecs.index(dimspec)
get_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_arr_size_{count}")
for n in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
sz, a = get_arr_size(n)
assert a.size == sz
@pytest.mark.parametrize("dimspec", all_dimspecs)
def test_inv_array_size(self, dimspec):
count = self.all_dimspecs.index(dimspec)
get_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_arr_size_{count}")
get_inv_arr_size = getattr(self.module, f"get_inv_arr_size_{count}")
for n in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
sz, a = get_arr_size(n)
if dimspec in self.nonlinear_dimspecs:
# one must specify n as input, the call we'll ensure
# that a and n are compatible:
n1 = get_inv_arr_size(a, n)
# in case of linear dependence, n can be determined
# from the shape of a:
n1 = get_inv_arr_size(a)
# n1 may be different from n (for instance, when `a` size
# is a function of some `n` fraction) but it must produce
# the same sized array
sz1, _ = get_arr_size(n1)
assert sz == sz1, (n, n1, sz, sz1)
class TestModuleDeclaration:
def test_dependencies(self, tmp_path):
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "foo_deps.f90")
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(fpath)])
assert len(mod) == 1
assert mod[0]["vars"]["abar"]["="] == "bar('abar')"
class TestEval(util.F2PyTest):
def test_eval_scalar(self):
eval_scalar = crackfortran._eval_scalar
assert eval_scalar('123', {}) == '123'
assert eval_scalar('12 + 3', {}) == '15'
assert eval_scalar('a + b', dict(a=1, b=2)) == '3'
assert eval_scalar('"123"', {}) == "'123'"
class TestFortranReader(util.F2PyTest):
['ascii', 'utf-8', 'utf-16', 'utf-32'])
def test_input_encoding(self, tmp_path, encoding):
# gh-635
f_path = tmp_path / f"input_with_{encoding}_encoding.f90"
with'w', encoding=encoding) as ff:
subroutine foo()
end subroutine foo
mod = crackfortran.crackfortran([str(f_path)])
assert mod[0]['name'] == 'foo'
class TestUnicodeComment(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "unicode_comment.f90")]
(importlib.util.find_spec("charset_normalizer") is None),
reason="test requires charset_normalizer which is not installed",
def test_encoding_comment(self):
class TestNameArgsPatternBacktracking:
('@)@bind @(@',),
('@)@bind foo bar baz@(@',)
def test_nameargspattern_backtracking(self, adversary):
'''address ReDOS vulnerability:'''
trials_per_batch = 12
batches_per_regex = 4
start_reps, end_reps = 15, 25
for ii in range(start_reps, end_reps):
repeated_adversary = adversary * ii
# test times in small batches.
# this gives us more chances to catch a bad regex
# while still catching it before too long if it is bad
for _ in range(batches_per_regex):
times = []
for _ in range(trials_per_batch):
t0 = time.perf_counter()
mtch =
times.append(time.perf_counter() - t0)
# our pattern should be much faster than 0.2s per search
# it's unlikely that a bad regex will pass even on fast CPUs
assert np.median(times) < 0.2
assert not mtch
# if the adversary is capped with @)@, it becomes acceptable
# according to the old version of the regex.
# that should still be true.
good_version_of_adversary = repeated_adversary + '@)@'
class TestFunctionReturn(util.F2PyTest):
sources = [util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh23598.f90")]
def test_function_rettype(self):
# gh-23598
assert self.module.intproduct(3, 4) == 12
class TestFortranGroupCounters(util.F2PyTest):
def test_end_if_comment(self):
# gh-23533
fpath = util.getpath("tests", "src", "crackfortran", "gh23533.f")
except Exception as exc:
assert False, f"'crackfortran.crackfortran' raised an exception {exc}"