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cimport cython
import numpy as np
cimport numpy as cnp
from numpy cimport (
from pandas._libs cimport util
from pandas._libs.hashtable cimport HashTable
from pandas._libs.tslibs.nattype cimport c_NaT as NaT
from pandas._libs.tslibs.np_datetime cimport (
from pandas._libs.tslibs.period cimport is_period_object
from pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas cimport _Timedelta
from pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps cimport _Timestamp
from pandas._libs import (
hashtable as _hash,
from pandas._libs.lib cimport eq_NA_compat
from pandas._libs.missing cimport (
# Defines shift of MultiIndex codes to avoid negative codes (missing values)
multiindex_nulls_shift = 2
cdef bint is_definitely_invalid_key(object val):
except TypeError:
return True
return False
cdef ndarray _get_bool_indexer(ndarray values, object val, ndarray mask = None):
Return a ndarray[bool] of locations where val matches self.values.
If val is not NA, this is equivalent to `self.values == val`
# Caller is responsible for ensuring _check_type has already been called
ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1, cast=True] indexer
Py_ssize_t i
object item
if values.descr.type_num == cnp.NPY_OBJECT:
assert mask is None # no mask for object dtype
# i.e. values.dtype == object
if not checknull(val):
indexer = eq_NA_compat(values, val)
# We need to check for _matching_ NA values
indexer = np.empty(len(values), dtype=np.uint8)
for i in range(len(values)):
item = values[i]
indexer[i] = is_matching_na(item, val)
if mask is not None:
if val is C_NA:
indexer = mask == 1
indexer = (values == val) & ~mask
if util.is_nan(val):
indexer = np.isnan(values)
indexer = values == val
return indexer.view(bool)
# Don't populate hash tables in monotonic indexes larger than this
_SIZE_CUTOFF = 1_000_000
cdef _unpack_bool_indexer(ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1, cast=True] indexer, object val):
Possibly unpack a boolean mask to a single indexer.
# Returns ndarray[bool] or int
ndarray[intp_t, ndim=1] found
int count
found = np.where(indexer)[0]
count = len(found)
if count > 1:
return indexer
if count == 1:
return int(found[0])
raise KeyError(val)
cdef class IndexEngine:
cdef readonly:
ndarray values
ndarray mask
HashTable mapping
bint over_size_threshold
bint unique, monotonic_inc, monotonic_dec
bint need_monotonic_check, need_unique_check
object _np_type
def __init__(self, ndarray values):
self.values = values
self.mask = None
self.over_size_threshold = len(values) >= _SIZE_CUTOFF
self._np_type = values.dtype.type
def __contains__(self, val: object) -> bool:
except KeyError:
return False
return True
cpdef get_loc(self, object val):
# -> Py_ssize_t | slice | ndarray[bool]
Py_ssize_t loc
if is_definitely_invalid_key(val):
raise TypeError(f"'{val}' is an invalid key")
val = self._check_type(val)
if self.over_size_threshold and self.is_monotonic_increasing:
if not self.is_unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(val)
values = self.values
loc = self._searchsorted_left(val)
if loc >= len(values):
raise KeyError(val)
if values[loc] != val:
raise KeyError(val)
return loc
if not self.unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(val)
if self.mask is not None and val is C_NA:
return self.mapping.get_na()
return self.mapping.get_item(val)
except OverflowError as err:
# GH#41775 OverflowError e.g. if we are uint64 and val is -1
# or if we are int64 and value is np.iinfo(np.int64).max+1
# (the uint64 with -1 case should actually be excluded by _check_type)
raise KeyError(val) from err
cdef Py_ssize_t _searchsorted_left(self, val) except? -1:
See ObjectEngine._searchsorted_left.__doc__.
# Caller is responsible for ensuring _check_type has already been called
loc = self.values.searchsorted(self._np_type(val), side="left")
return loc
cdef _get_loc_duplicates(self, object val):
# -> Py_ssize_t | slice | ndarray[bool]
Py_ssize_t diff, left, right
if self.is_monotonic_increasing:
values = self.values
left = values.searchsorted(val, side="left")
right = values.searchsorted(val, side="right")
except TypeError:
# e.g. GH#29189 get_loc(None) with a Float64Index
# 2021-09-29 Now only reached for object-dtype
raise KeyError(val)
diff = right - left
if diff == 0:
raise KeyError(val)
elif diff == 1:
return left
return slice(left, right)
return self._maybe_get_bool_indexer(val)
cdef _maybe_get_bool_indexer(self, object val):
# Returns ndarray[bool] or int
ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1, cast=True] indexer
indexer = _get_bool_indexer(self.values, val, self.mask)
return _unpack_bool_indexer(indexer, val)
def sizeof(self, deep: bool = False) -> int:
""" return the sizeof our mapping """
if not self.is_mapping_populated:
return 0
return self.mapping.sizeof(deep=deep)
def __sizeof__(self) -> int:
return self.sizeof()
cpdef _update_from_sliced(self, IndexEngine other, reverse: bool):
self.unique = other.unique
self.need_unique_check = other.need_unique_check
if not other.need_monotonic_check and (
other.is_monotonic_increasing or other.is_monotonic_decreasing):
self.need_monotonic_check = other.need_monotonic_check
# reverse=True means the index has been reversed
self.monotonic_inc = other.monotonic_dec if reverse else other.monotonic_inc
self.monotonic_dec = other.monotonic_inc if reverse else other.monotonic_dec
def is_unique(self) -> bool:
if self.need_unique_check:
return self.unique == 1
cdef _do_unique_check(self):
def is_monotonic_increasing(self) -> bool:
if self.need_monotonic_check:
return self.monotonic_inc == 1
def is_monotonic_decreasing(self) -> bool:
if self.need_monotonic_check:
return self.monotonic_dec == 1
cdef _do_monotonic_check(self):
bint is_strict_monotonic
if self.mask is not None and np.any(self.mask):
self.monotonic_inc = 0
self.monotonic_dec = 0
values = self.values
self.monotonic_inc, self.monotonic_dec, is_strict_monotonic = \
except TypeError:
self.monotonic_inc = 0
self.monotonic_dec = 0
is_strict_monotonic = 0
self.need_monotonic_check = 0
# we can only be sure of uniqueness if is_strict_monotonic=1
if is_strict_monotonic:
self.unique = 1
self.need_unique_check = 0
cdef _call_monotonic(self, values):
return algos.is_monotonic(values, timelike=False)
cdef _make_hash_table(self, Py_ssize_t n):
raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
cdef _check_type(self, object val):
return val
def is_mapping_populated(self) -> bool:
return self.mapping is not None
cdef _ensure_mapping_populated(self):
# this populates the mapping
# if its not already populated
# also satisfies the need_unique_check
if not self.is_mapping_populated:
values = self.values
self.mapping = self._make_hash_table(len(values))
self.mapping.map_locations(values, self.mask)
if len(self.mapping) == len(values):
self.unique = 1
self.need_unique_check = 0
def clear_mapping(self):
self.mapping = None
self.need_monotonic_check = 1
self.need_unique_check = 1
self.unique = 0
self.monotonic_inc = 0
self.monotonic_dec = 0
def get_indexer(self, ndarray values) -> np.ndarray:
return self.mapping.lookup(values)
def get_indexer_non_unique(self, ndarray targets):
Return an indexer suitable for taking from a non unique index
return the labels in the same order as the target
and a missing indexer into the targets (which correspond
to the -1 indices in the results
indexer : np.ndarray[np.intp]
missing : np.ndarray[np.intp]
ndarray values
ndarray[intp_t] result, missing
set stargets, remaining_stargets, found_nas
dict d = {}
object val
Py_ssize_t count = 0, count_missing = 0
Py_ssize_t i, j, n, n_t, n_alloc, start, end
bint check_na_values = False
values = self.values
stargets = set(targets)
na_in_stargets = any(checknull(t) for t in stargets)
n = len(values)
n_t = len(targets)
if n > 10_000:
n_alloc = 10_000
n_alloc = n
result = np.empty(n_alloc, dtype=np.intp)
missing = np.empty(n_t, dtype=np.intp)
# map each starget to its position in the index
if (
stargets and
len(stargets) < 5 and
not na_in_stargets and
# if there are few enough stargets and the index is monotonically
# increasing, then use binary search for each starget
remaining_stargets = set()
for starget in stargets:
start = values.searchsorted(starget, side="left")
end = values.searchsorted(starget, side="right")
except TypeError: # e.g. if we tried to search for string in int array
if start != end:
d[starget] = list(range(start, end))
stargets = remaining_stargets
if stargets:
# otherwise, map by iterating through all items in the index
# short-circuit na check
if na_in_stargets:
check_na_values = True
# keep track of nas in values
found_nas = set()
for i in range(n):
val = values[i]
# GH#43870
# handle lookup for nas
# (ie. np.nan, float("NaN"), Decimal("NaN"), dt64nat, td64nat)
if check_na_values and checknull(val):
match = [na for na in found_nas if is_matching_na(val, na)]
# matching na not found
if not len(match):
# add na to stargets to utilize `in` for stargets/d lookup
match_stargets = [
x for x in stargets if is_matching_na(val, x)
if len(match_stargets):
# add our 'standardized' na
# matching na found
assert len(match) == 1
val = match[0]
if val in stargets:
if val not in d:
d[val] = []
for i in range(n_t):
val = targets[i]
# ensure there are nas in values before looking for a matching na
if check_na_values and checknull(val):
match = [na for na in found_nas if is_matching_na(val, na)]
if len(match):
assert len(match) == 1
val = match[0]
# found
if val in d:
key = val
for j in d[key]:
# realloc if needed
if count >= n_alloc:
n_alloc += 10_000
result = np.resize(result, n_alloc)
result[count] = j
count += 1
# value not found
if count >= n_alloc:
n_alloc += 10_000
result = np.resize(result, n_alloc)
result[count] = -1
count += 1
missing[count_missing] = i
count_missing += 1
return result[0:count], missing[0:count_missing]
cdef Py_ssize_t _bin_search(ndarray values, object val) except -1:
# GH#1757 ndarray.searchsorted is not safe to use with array of tuples
# (treats a tuple `val` as a sequence of keys instead of a single key),
# so we implement something similar.
# This is equivalent to the stdlib's bisect.bisect_left
Py_ssize_t mid = 0, lo = 0, hi = len(values) - 1
object pval
if hi == 0 or (hi > 0 and val > values[hi]):
return len(values)
while lo < hi:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
pval = values[mid]
if val < pval:
hi = mid
elif val > pval:
lo = mid + 1
while mid > 0 and val == values[mid - 1]:
mid -= 1
return mid
if val <= values[mid]:
return mid
return mid + 1
cdef class ObjectEngine(IndexEngine):
Index Engine for use with object-dtype Index, namely the base class Index.
cdef _make_hash_table(self, Py_ssize_t n):
return _hash.PyObjectHashTable(n)
cdef Py_ssize_t _searchsorted_left(self, val) except? -1:
# using values.searchsorted here would treat a tuple `val` as a sequence
# instead of a single key, so we use a different implementation
loc = _bin_search(self.values, val)
except TypeError as err:
raise KeyError(val) from err
return loc
cdef class DatetimeEngine(Int64Engine):
def __init__(self, ndarray values):
self._creso = get_unit_from_dtype(values.dtype)
cdef int64_t _unbox_scalar(self, scalar) except? -1:
# NB: caller is responsible for ensuring tzawareness compat
# before we get here
if scalar is NaT:
return NaT._value
elif isinstance(scalar, _Timestamp):
if scalar._creso == self._creso:
return scalar._value
# Note: caller is responsible for catching potential ValueError
# from _as_creso
return (
(<_Timestamp>scalar)._as_creso(self._creso, round_ok=False)._value
raise TypeError(scalar)
def __contains__(self, val: object) -> bool:
# We assume before we get here:
# - val is hashable
except ValueError:
return False
return True
except KeyError:
return False
cdef _call_monotonic(self, values):
return algos.is_monotonic(values, timelike=True)
cpdef get_loc(self, object val):
# NB: the caller is responsible for ensuring that we are called
# with either a Timestamp or NaT (Timedelta or NaT for TimedeltaEngine)
Py_ssize_t loc
if is_definitely_invalid_key(val):
raise TypeError(f"'{val}' is an invalid key")
conv = self._unbox_scalar(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
raise KeyError(val) from err
# Welcome to the spaghetti factory
if self.over_size_threshold and self.is_monotonic_increasing:
if not self.is_unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(conv)
values = self.values
loc = values.searchsorted(conv, side="left")
if loc == len(values) or values[loc] != conv:
raise KeyError(val)
return loc
if not self.unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(conv)
return self.mapping.get_item(conv)
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(val)
cdef class TimedeltaEngine(DatetimeEngine):
cdef int64_t _unbox_scalar(self, scalar) except? -1:
if scalar is NaT:
return NaT._value
elif isinstance(scalar, _Timedelta):
if scalar._creso == self._creso:
return scalar._value
# Note: caller is responsible for catching potential ValueError
# from _as_creso
return (
(<_Timedelta>scalar)._as_creso(self._creso, round_ok=False)._value
raise TypeError(scalar)
cdef class PeriodEngine(Int64Engine):
cdef int64_t _unbox_scalar(self, scalar) except? -1:
if scalar is NaT:
return scalar._value
if is_period_object(scalar):
# NB: we assume that we have the correct freq here.
return scalar.ordinal
raise TypeError(scalar)
cpdef get_loc(self, object val):
# NB: the caller is responsible for ensuring that we are called
# with either a Period or NaT
int64_t conv
conv = self._unbox_scalar(val)
except TypeError:
raise KeyError(val)
return Int64Engine.get_loc(self, conv)
cdef _call_monotonic(self, values):
return algos.is_monotonic(values, timelike=True)
cdef class BaseMultiIndexCodesEngine:
Base class for MultiIndexUIntEngine and MultiIndexPyIntEngine, which
represent each label in a MultiIndex as an integer, by juxtaposing the bits
encoding each level, with appropriate offsets.
For instance: if 3 levels have respectively 3, 6 and 1 possible values,
then their labels can be represented using respectively 2, 3 and 1 bits,
as follows:
_ _ _ _____ _ __ __ __
|0|0|0| ... |0| 0|a1|a0| -> offset 0 (first level)
— — — ————— — —— —— ——
|0|0|0| ... |0|b2|b1|b0| -> offset 2 (bits required for first level)
— — — ————— — —— —— ——
|0|0|0| ... |0| 0| 0|c0| -> offset 5 (bits required for first two levels)
‾ ‾ ‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ ‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾
and the resulting unsigned integer representation will be:
_ _ _ _____ _ __ __ __ __ __ __
|0|0|0| ... |0|c0|b2|b1|b0|a1|a0|
‾ ‾ ‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ ‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾
Offsets are calculated at initialization, labels are transformed by method
Keys are located by first locating each component against the respective
level, then locating (the integer representation of) codes.
def __init__(self, object levels, object labels,
ndarray[uint64_t, ndim=1] offsets):
levels : list-like of numpy arrays
Levels of the MultiIndex.
labels : list-like of numpy arrays of integer dtype
Labels of the MultiIndex.
offsets : numpy array of uint64 dtype
Pre-calculated offsets, one for each level of the index.
self.levels = levels
self.offsets = offsets
# Transform labels in a single array, and add 2 so that we are working
# with positive integers (-1 for NaN becomes 1). This enables us to
# differentiate between values that are missing in other and matching
# NaNs. We will set values that are not found to 0 later:
labels_arr = np.array(labels, dtype="int64").T + multiindex_nulls_shift
codes = labels_arr.astype("uint64", copy=False)
self.level_has_nans = [-1 in lab for lab in labels]
# Map each codes combination in the index to an integer unambiguously
# (no collisions possible), based on the "offsets", which describe the
# number of bits to switch labels for each level:
lab_ints = self._codes_to_ints(codes)
# Initialize underlying index (e.g. libindex.UInt64Engine) with
# integers representing labels: we will use its get_loc and get_indexer
self._base.__init__(self, lab_ints)
def _codes_to_ints(self, ndarray[uint64_t] codes) -> np.ndarray:
raise NotImplementedError("Implemented by subclass") # pragma: no cover
def _extract_level_codes(self, target) -> np.ndarray:
Map the requested list of (tuple) keys to their integer representations
for searching in the underlying integer index.
target : MultiIndex
int_keys : 1-dimensional array of dtype uint64 or object
Integers representing one combination each
level_codes = list(target._recode_for_new_levels(self.levels))
for i, codes in enumerate(level_codes):
if self.levels[i].hasnans:
na_index = self.levels[i].isna().nonzero()[0][0]
codes[[i] == -1] = na_index
codes += 1
codes[codes > 0] += 1
if self.level_has_nans[i]:
codes[[i] == -1] += 1
return self._codes_to_ints(np.array(level_codes, dtype="uint64").T)
def get_indexer(self, target: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Returns an array giving the positions of each value of `target` in
`self.values`, where -1 represents a value in `target` which does not
appear in `self.values`
target : np.ndarray
np.ndarray[intp_t, ndim=1] of the indexer of `target` into
return self._base.get_indexer(self, target)
def get_indexer_with_fill(self, ndarray target, ndarray values,
str method, object limit) -> np.ndarray:
Returns an array giving the positions of each value of `target` in
`values`, where -1 represents a value in `target` which does not
appear in `values`
If `method` is "backfill" then the position for a value in `target`
which does not appear in `values` is that of the next greater value
in `values` (if one exists), and -1 if there is no such value.
Similarly, if the method is "pad" then the position for a value in
`target` which does not appear in `values` is that of the next smaller
value in `values` (if one exists), and -1 if there is no such value.
target: ndarray[object] of tuples
need not be sorted, but all must have the same length, which must be
the same as the length of all tuples in `values`
values : ndarray[object] of tuples
must be sorted and all have the same length. Should be the set of
the MultiIndex's values.
method: string
"backfill" or "pad"
limit: int or None
if provided, limit the number of fills to this value
np.ndarray[intp_t, ndim=1] of the indexer of `target` into `values`,
filled with the `method` (and optionally `limit`) specified
assert method in ("backfill", "pad")
int64_t i, j, next_code
int64_t num_values, num_target_values
ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] target_order
ndarray[object, ndim=1] target_values
ndarray[int64_t, ndim=1] new_codes, new_target_codes
ndarray[intp_t, ndim=1] sorted_indexer
target_order = np.argsort(target).astype("int64")
target_values = target[target_order]
num_values, num_target_values = len(values), len(target_values)
new_codes, new_target_codes = (
# `values` and `target_values` are both sorted, so we walk through them
# and memoize the (ordered) set of indices in the (implicit) merged-and
# sorted list of the two which belong to each of them
# the effect of this is to create a factorization for the (sorted)
# merger of the index values, where `new_codes` and `new_target_codes`
# are the subset of the factors which appear in `values` and `target`,
# respectively
i, j, next_code = 0, 0, 0
while i < num_values and j < num_target_values:
val, target_val = values[i], target_values[j]
if val <= target_val:
new_codes[i] = next_code
i += 1
if target_val <= val:
new_target_codes[j] = next_code
j += 1
next_code += 1
# at this point, at least one should have reached the end
# the remaining values of the other should be added to the end
assert i == num_values or j == num_target_values
while i < num_values:
new_codes[i] = next_code
i += 1
next_code += 1
while j < num_target_values:
new_target_codes[j] = next_code
j += 1
next_code += 1
# get the indexer, and undo the sorting of `target.values`
algo = algos.backfill if method == "backfill" else algos.pad
sorted_indexer = algo(new_codes, new_target_codes, limit=limit)
return sorted_indexer[np.argsort(target_order)]
def get_loc(self, object key):
if is_definitely_invalid_key(key):
raise TypeError(f"'{key}' is an invalid key")
if not isinstance(key, tuple):
raise KeyError(key)
indices = [1 if checknull(v) else lev.get_loc(v) + multiindex_nulls_shift
for lev, v in zip(self.levels, key)]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(key)
# Transform indices into single integer:
lab_int = self._codes_to_ints(np.array(indices, dtype="uint64"))
return self._base.get_loc(self, lab_int)
def get_indexer_non_unique(self, target: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
indexer = self._base.get_indexer_non_unique(self, target)
return indexer
def __contains__(self, val: object) -> bool:
# We assume before we get here:
# - val is hashable
# Default __contains__ looks in the underlying mapping, which in this
# case only contains integer representations.
return True
except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
return False
# Generated from template.
include "index_class_helper.pxi"
cdef class BoolEngine(UInt8Engine):
cdef _check_type(self, object val):
if not util.is_bool_object(val):
raise KeyError(val)
return <uint8_t>val
cdef class MaskedBoolEngine(MaskedUInt8Engine):
cdef _check_type(self, object val):
if val is C_NA:
return val
if not util.is_bool_object(val):
raise KeyError(val)
return <uint8_t>val
cdef class SharedEngine:
cdef readonly:
object values # ExtensionArray
bint over_size_threshold
bint unique, monotonic_inc, monotonic_dec
bint need_monotonic_check, need_unique_check
def __contains__(self, val: object) -> bool:
# We assume before we get here:
# - val is hashable
return True
except KeyError:
return False
def clear_mapping(self):
# for compat with IndexEngine
cpdef _update_from_sliced(self, ExtensionEngine other, reverse: bool):
self.unique = other.unique
self.need_unique_check = other.need_unique_check
if not other.need_monotonic_check and (
other.is_monotonic_increasing or other.is_monotonic_decreasing):
self.need_monotonic_check = other.need_monotonic_check
# reverse=True means the index has been reversed
self.monotonic_inc = other.monotonic_dec if reverse else other.monotonic_inc
self.monotonic_dec = other.monotonic_inc if reverse else other.monotonic_dec
def is_unique(self) -> bool:
if self.need_unique_check:
arr = self.values.unique()
self.unique = len(arr) == len(self.values)
self.need_unique_check = False
return self.unique
cdef _do_monotonic_check(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def is_monotonic_increasing(self) -> bool:
if self.need_monotonic_check:
return self.monotonic_inc == 1
def is_monotonic_decreasing(self) -> bool:
if self.need_monotonic_check:
return self.monotonic_dec == 1
cdef _call_monotonic(self, values):
return algos.is_monotonic(values, timelike=False)
def sizeof(self, deep: bool = False) -> int:
""" return the sizeof our mapping """
return 0
def __sizeof__(self) -> int:
return self.sizeof()
cdef _check_type(self, object obj):
raise NotImplementedError
cpdef get_loc(self, object val):
# -> Py_ssize_t | slice | ndarray[bool]
Py_ssize_t loc
if is_definitely_invalid_key(val):
raise TypeError(f"'{val}' is an invalid key")
if self.over_size_threshold and self.is_monotonic_increasing:
if not self.is_unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(val)
values = self.values
loc = self._searchsorted_left(val)
if loc >= len(values):
raise KeyError(val)
if values[loc] != val:
raise KeyError(val)
return loc
if not self.unique:
return self._get_loc_duplicates(val)
return self._get_loc_duplicates(val)
cdef _get_loc_duplicates(self, object val):
# -> Py_ssize_t | slice | ndarray[bool]
Py_ssize_t diff
if self.is_monotonic_increasing:
values = self.values
left = values.searchsorted(val, side="left")
right = values.searchsorted(val, side="right")
except TypeError:
# e.g. GH#29189 get_loc(None) with a Float64Index
raise KeyError(val)
diff = right - left
if diff == 0:
raise KeyError(val)
elif diff == 1:
return left
return slice(left, right)
return self._maybe_get_bool_indexer(val)
cdef Py_ssize_t _searchsorted_left(self, val) except? -1:
See ObjectEngine._searchsorted_left.__doc__.
loc = self.values.searchsorted(val, side="left")
except TypeError as err:
# GH#35788 e.g. val=None with float64 values
raise KeyError(val)
return loc
cdef ndarray _get_bool_indexer(self, val):
raise NotImplementedError
cdef _maybe_get_bool_indexer(self, object val):
# Returns ndarray[bool] or int
ndarray[uint8_t, ndim=1, cast=True] indexer
indexer = self._get_bool_indexer(val)
return _unpack_bool_indexer(indexer, val)
def get_indexer(self, values) -> np.ndarray:
# values : type(self.values)
# Note: we only get here with self.is_unique
Py_ssize_t i, N = len(values)
res = np.empty(N, dtype=np.intp)
for i in range(N):
val = values[i]
loc = self.get_loc(val)
# Because we are unique, loc should always be an integer
except KeyError:
loc = -1
assert util.is_integer_object(loc), (loc, val)
res[i] = loc
return res
def get_indexer_non_unique(self, targets):
Return an indexer suitable for taking from a non unique index
return the labels in the same order as the target
and a missing indexer into the targets (which correspond
to the -1 indices in the results
targets : type(self.values)
indexer : np.ndarray[np.intp]
missing : np.ndarray[np.intp]
Py_ssize_t i, N = len(targets)
indexer = []
missing = []
# See also IntervalIndex.get_indexer_pointwise
for i in range(N):
val = targets[i]
locs = self.get_loc(val)
except KeyError:
locs = np.array([-1], dtype=np.intp)
if isinstance(locs, slice):
# Only needed for get_indexer_non_unique
locs = np.arange(locs.start, locs.stop, locs.step, dtype=np.intp)
elif util.is_integer_object(locs):
locs = np.array([locs], dtype=np.intp)
assert locs.dtype.kind == "b"
locs = locs.nonzero()[0]
indexer = np.concatenate(indexer, dtype=np.intp)
except TypeError:
# numpy<1.20 doesn't accept dtype keyword
indexer = np.concatenate(indexer).astype(np.intp, copy=False)
missing = np.array(missing, dtype=np.intp)
return indexer, missing
cdef class ExtensionEngine(SharedEngine):
def __init__(self, values: "ExtensionArray"):
self.values = values
self.over_size_threshold = len(values) >= _SIZE_CUTOFF
self.need_unique_check = True
self.need_monotonic_check = True
self.need_unique_check = True
cdef _do_monotonic_check(self):
bint is_unique
values = self.values
if values._hasna:
self.monotonic_inc = 0
self.monotonic_dec = 0
nunique = len(values.unique())
self.unique = nunique == len(values)
self.need_unique_check = 0
ranks = values._rank()
except TypeError:
self.monotonic_inc = 0
self.monotonic_dec = 0
is_unique = 0
self.monotonic_inc, self.monotonic_dec, is_unique = \
self.need_monotonic_check = 0
# we can only be sure of uniqueness if is_unique=1
if is_unique:
self.unique = 1
self.need_unique_check = 0
cdef ndarray _get_bool_indexer(self, val):
if checknull(val):
return self.values.isna()
return self.values == val
except TypeError:
# e.g. if __eq__ returns a BooleanArray instead of ndarray[bool]
return (self.values == val).to_numpy(dtype=bool, na_value=False)
except (TypeError, AttributeError) as err:
# e.g. (self.values == val) returned a bool
# see test_get_loc_generator[string[pyarrow]]
# e.g. self.value == val raises TypeError bc generator has no len
# see test_get_loc_generator[string[python]]
raise KeyError from err
cdef _check_type(self, object val):
cdef class MaskedIndexEngine(IndexEngine):
def __init__(self, object values):
self.mask = self._get_mask(values)
def _get_data(self, object values) -> np.ndarray:
if hasattr(values, "_mask"):
return values._data
# We are an ArrowExtensionArray
# Set 1 as na_value to avoid ending up with NA and an object array
# TODO: Remove when arrow engine is implemented
return values.to_numpy(na_value=1, dtype=values.dtype.numpy_dtype)
def _get_mask(self, object values) -> np.ndarray:
if hasattr(values, "_mask"):
return values._mask
# We are an ArrowExtensionArray
return values.isna()
def get_indexer(self, object values) -> np.ndarray:
return self.mapping.lookup(self._get_data(values), self._get_mask(values))
def get_indexer_non_unique(self, object targets):
Return an indexer suitable for taking from a non unique index
return the labels in the same order as the target
and a missing indexer into the targets (which correspond
to the -1 indices in the results
indexer : np.ndarray[np.intp]
missing : np.ndarray[np.intp]
# TODO: Unify with parent class
ndarray values, mask, target_vals, target_mask
ndarray[intp_t] result, missing
set stargets
list na_pos
dict d = {}
object val
Py_ssize_t count = 0, count_missing = 0
Py_ssize_t i, j, n, n_t, n_alloc, start, end, na_idx
target_vals = self._get_data(targets)
target_mask = self._get_mask(targets)
values = self.values
assert not values.dtype == object # go through object path instead
mask = self.mask
stargets = set(target_vals[~target_mask])
n = len(values)
n_t = len(target_vals)
if n > 10_000:
n_alloc = 10_000
n_alloc = n
result = np.empty(n_alloc, dtype=np.intp)
missing = np.empty(n_t, dtype=np.intp)
# map each starget to its position in the index
if (
stargets and
len(stargets) < 5 and
not np.any(target_mask) and
# if there are few enough stargets and the index is monotonically
# increasing, then use binary search for each starget
for starget in stargets:
start = values.searchsorted(starget, side="left")
end = values.searchsorted(starget, side="right")
if start != end:
d[starget] = list(range(start, end))
stargets = set()
if stargets:
# otherwise, map by iterating through all items in the index
na_pos = []
for i in range(n):
val = values[i]
if mask[i]:
if val in stargets:
if val not in d:
d[val] = []
for i in range(n_t):
val = target_vals[i]
if target_mask[i]:
if na_pos:
for na_idx in na_pos:
# realloc if needed
if count >= n_alloc:
n_alloc += 10_000
result = np.resize(result, n_alloc)
result[count] = na_idx
count += 1
elif val in d:
# found
key = val
for j in d[key]:
# realloc if needed
if count >= n_alloc:
n_alloc += 10_000
result = np.resize(result, n_alloc)
result[count] = j
count += 1
# value not found
if count >= n_alloc:
n_alloc += 10_000
result = np.resize(result, n_alloc)
result[count] = -1
count += 1
missing[count_missing] = i
count_missing += 1
return result[0:count], missing[0:count_missing]